Month: February 2022

February 2022 agenda

Breadalbane Academy Parent Council Meeting

Wednesday 23 February

6.30pm – 8.30pm


The meeting will take place online, using the Zoom platform. Please enter the URL below into your browser:

You will not require a password.

  1. Welcome, introductions & apologies
  2. Matters arising from the January meeting
  3. Approve the minutes of the January meeting
  4. Treasurer’s update on fund allocation
  5. Update from the ASN sub-group
  6. Fundraising and Friends of Breadalbane update
  7. P7 Comrie Croft Trip: request for funding
  8. Support for proposed new sports facility on Aberfeldy Golf Course
  9. Update on road-safety concerns at the campus. Progress
  10. Update on school broadband and connectivity
  11. Bullying
  12. How to increase engagement in sports and activities
  13. AOB
  14. Time & date of next meeting