On March 9 the council votes on the future shape and budget of the Perth and Kinross Instrumental Music Service (IMS). The IMS provides travelling music teachers, giving kids the chance to learn a far greater range of musical instruments than any single school’s music department could offer. Without the IMS, kids at rural schools such as Breadalbane Academy, just wouldn’t have the chance to learn as many instruments.
There is no suggestion that the IMS is going to suffer cuts or be changed in some way that might undermine the good work it does in Breadalbane. But there’s also no guarantee that that won’t happen. So if you feel strongly that you want our children to carry on having the opportunity to develop a love of and talent for instrumental music, then now’s the time to write to your councillors — before March 9.
Let your representatives in Perth and Kinross know that, whatever the future holds for the IMS, it’s important to you that it continues to be able to offer children in rural schools access to as wide a range and high a quality of instrumental music lessons as possible.
Here are the names and email addresses of your elected representatives:
Ward 4 – Highland
- Councillor Ian Campbell, icampbell@pkc.gov.uk.
- Councillor Kate Howie, khowie@pkc.gov.uk.
- Councillor Mike Williamson, mwilliamson@pkc.gov.uk.
Ward 5 – Strathtay
- Councillor John Kellas, jkellas@pkc.gov.uk.
- Councillor Grant Laing, glaing@pkc.gov.uk.
- Councillor Barbara Vaughan, bvaughan@pkc.gov.uk.
You’ll find further details, including postal addresses and phone numbers, on the council website.
Thanks to Rok1966 for making the photo used above available under a Creative Commons licence.