Breadalbane Academy Parent Council Meeting
Wednesday 30 March 2022
6.30pm – 8.30pm
The meeting will take place online, using the Zoom platform. Please enter the URL below into your browser:
You will not require a password.
- Welcome, introductions & apologies
- Matters arising from the February 2022
- School to update on Dunkeld bus situation raised by Jess Pepper.
- Approve the minutes of the January and February 2022 meetings
- Headteacher’s report
- Is the school ready to welcome Ukrainian refugees?
- Funding for the Comrie Croft trip
- Update from mental health and wellbeing sub-group
- Update from bullying sub-group
- Update from playground-renovation sub-group
- Treasurer’s update — status and amount of ring-fenced funds.
- Funding for NSPCC child safeguarding courses for office holders
- Update on proposed joint meeting with Pitlochry Highschool
- Time & date of next meeting