Month: March 2022

March 2022 meeting agenda

Breadalbane Academy Parent Council Meeting

Wednesday 30 March 2022

6.30pm – 8.30pm


The meeting will take place online, using the Zoom platform. Please enter the URL below into your browser:

You will not require a password.

  1. Welcome, introductions & apologies
  2. Matters arising from the February 2022
    • School to update on Dunkeld bus situation raised by Jess Pepper.
  3. Approve the minutes of the January and February 2022 meetings
  4. Headteacher’s report
  5. Is the school ready to welcome Ukrainian refugees?
  6. Funding for the Comrie Croft trip
  7. Update from mental health and wellbeing sub-group
  8. Update from bullying sub-group
  9. Update from playground-renovation sub-group
  10. Treasurer’s update — status and amount of ring-fenced funds.
  11. Funding for NSPCC child safeguarding courses for office holders
  12. Update on proposed joint meeting with Pitlochry Highschool
  13. AOB
  14. Time & date of next meeting