Breadalbane Academy Parent Council Meeting
Wednesday 26 October
6:30pm – 8:30pm
The meeting will take place in the school.
We’ll also provide online access for those who want it, using the Microsoft Teams platform. Please enter the URL below into your browser:
Click here to join the meeting
You don’t need a password.
- Welcome, introductions & apologies
- Matters arising from the September 2022 meeting
- Approve the minutes of the September 2022 meeting
- Headteacher’s report
- Funding for CERN trip
- Proposed operating manual and amends to the constitution
- Update from the anti-bullying group
- Update on therapy dog access to school
- Promotion of participation in sports and sporting events
- Update on BAPC discussions about a more frequent school newsletter
- Parent concerns about vaping on campus
- Time & date of next meeting (6:30pm, Tuesday 29 November)