Category: Sports

Have we won? If we have, you’ll find the news here. Read all about the highs and lows, the wins and the near misses here. Plus, of course, clubs, activities, training, and sport as part of the curriculum.

October 2022 agenda

Breadalbane Academy Parent Council Meeting

Wednesday 26 October

6:30pm – 8:30pm


The meeting will take place in the school. 

We’ll also provide online access for those who want it, using the Microsoft Teams platform. Please enter the URL below into your browser:

Click here to join the meeting

You don’t need a password.

  1. Welcome, introductions & apologies
  2. Matters arising from the September 2022 meeting
  3. Approve the minutes of the September 2022 meeting
  4. Headteacher’s report
  5. Funding for CERN trip
  6. Proposed operating manual and amends to the constitution
  7. Update from the anti-bullying group
  8. Update on therapy dog access to school
  9. Promotion of participation in sports and sporting events
  10. Update on BAPC discussions about a more frequent school newsletter
  11. Parent concerns about vaping on campus
  12. Time & date of next meeting (6:30pm, Tuesday 29 November)

Six pro tennis lessons for just £15

Six pro tennis lessons for £15 is great bargain. Grab it now.

Anyone for tennis (lessons)? Six pro tennis lessons for just £15 is great bargain. Grab it now.

For six weeks from Tuesday 5 May, Aberfeldy Tennis Club is offering junior tennis lessons with a professional coach, for just £15. That’s not £15 per lesson; it’s £15 for the entire six-week course. Children must be in at least primary three, but apart from that the lessons are open to all. Lessons will take place every Tuesday, between 4 and 5 o’clock. Whether your child already loves sport, or is still looking for the right sport for them, this is a great opportunity to try out tennis. The club’s also running adult lessons on the same dates, between five and six o’clock. Adults pay £30 for the six-week course. So why not learn together with your child? To book a place, please contact club out-reach officer Eddie Vincent on 01887 820135.

Is your child a sports champion?


If your child competes at an advanced level in their sport, tell the school.

Does your child compete at a national or regional level in his or her chosen sport? Then the school wants to know about it.

Send a photo of your child taking part in their sport, along with details of their sporting achievement, to the PE staff. Picture and the details will be posted on the sports achievement board in the PE hall, as a celebration of success and an inspiration to others.

“Just get your child to hand the photo in to the PE department”, says Karen Todd, Breadalbane’s Active Schools co-ordinator. “If they don’t have a photo, they can come and see me on a Wednesday and I’ll take one”.

If you have questions, email Karen Todd at

Image from Pixabay. Used under the Creative Commons licence.