‘Helping our school be the best that it can be for pupils, staff and parents’
September 2016
Breadalbane Academy Parent Council is there to support our school to be the best that it can be for pupils, staff and parents/ caresr. We all have an important role in supporting the schools, staff and pupils; but also challenging the school if necessary.
Parent Council Meetings
The Parent Council has a monthly meeting to which anyone is welcome to come along to. Each month we will have a different topic to learn about and to discuss and voice our opinions. Do come along or contact the Chair, Andrew Rae on chairperson@breadalbaneparents.com. Dates of meetings for this year are (focus topics may change but dates won’t).
Tuesday 30th August
Wednesday 28th September: Review of Exam Results
Thursday 27th October: Primary Playground
Tuesday 29th November: Outdoor Education in Primary and Secondary
Wednesday 25th January: Facultisation and effects of budget cuts
Thursday 23 February: PE and Music in the Primary
Tuesday 28th March: theme to be confirmed
Wednesday 26th April: theme to be confirmed
Thursday 25th May (AGM): theme to be confirmed
Parent Council sub groups
The Parent Council also runs a number of sub-groups who work to support the school and its pupils and staff . All are welcome to join any of these groups. Current sub groups are:
- Fundraising and Opportuntities Group
- Additional Support Needs Group
- Comman an Parant (Gaelic Medium)
- Primary Playground improvements
- Parent Council communications
- School Communications
Fundarising and Opportunities Group (FOG)
FOG aims to raise and distribute funds to support clubs, events and trips for the pupils of Breadalbane Academy. We run events, activities and apply for grants. We are currently looking for people we can call on to help with running stalls, baking or maybe helping with events or in whatever way you can. Events for this year include a Ceilidh or cheese and wine; Bag packing; Thrift shop; pub quiz; bake sales; perhaps a sponsored event and our end of year celebration.
Please email fundraising@breadalbaneparents.com if you can help .
Parent Council and FOG
You can download a copy of this letter. You can also download a copy of the Fundraising and Opportunity Group’s letter to school staff.